I write today out of an abundance of concern for the current state of apathy within the American Church (the Body of Christ in America) and its failure to live life from a biblical worldview perspective. The American Church body could have a significant impact for godliness in the November 5, 2024, Presidential election, but the question is, “will the church stand up and do the right thing?” The fact that I am reaching out to you today is an act of obedience to the Lord’s call on my heart, so I’m asking you to read this entire article. Please don’t dismiss it. Please act while we still have the freedom to do so.
Recently WallBuilders (David Barton and Tim Barton) published the results of a George Barna poll/ study entitled “Why Christians Need to Vote.”* The results point out the sad moral condition of the American Church. I consider the results to be frightening. It is not possible to give you every finding in the study without writing many pages, so in this commentary, I am only giving you a few findings from the study with the hope and encouragement that you will read the entire Wallbuilders’ report HERE.
2000 church going, self-identified Christians were used in the Barna poll. Some of his findings include:
- 57% of believers think the November election will make a big impact on their lives (I would be included in this group if asked).
- 29% said the results of the November election will make little difference on their lives (I believe they don’t understand how life will change for all of us or recognize the rights we will lose if the left stays in power).
- 23% of those polled identified moral decline as an issue in America and 42% of the Christians polled supported abortion on demand (That’s right…these of self-identified Christians saying they support killing babies in the womb).
- 67% of those polled believe that the economy and the cost of living is the most important issue in the upcoming election. (Note: more Christians see their pocketbook as being more important than saving the lives of the unborn).
I ask you in all earnestness to please read the full survey, so you grasp how far the church has slipped in our responsibility to be salt and light to our communities. If we don’t carry the light and have a positive impact for good, who will? As Christians, we could provide the godly leadership desperately needed in our culture and our nation. Jesus gave us that responsibility in Matthew 28:19-20. We, as believers, need to be aware of our stewardship responsibility and the impact our votes make to ensure justice for all and to retain the rights we have for religious freedom. We need to be aware of the issues and we should vote for those candidates most likely to have a godly perspective on the issues for the benefit of every American. We also need to encourage other Christians who may not be planning to vote to go to the polls and cast their vote as their God-given responsibility. Exodus 18:21 clearly tells us the importance of our vote and how to select the right candidates. You and I have the authorization to make a difference in our government and in our world.
For those believers who say they don’t want to vote because there don’t want to be involved in politics or they don’t like either of the candidates for whatever reason, I say show me in God’s Word where is says we can stay home, sit on our duffs, and just let God do what He wants. They can’t validate their position in Scripture. It’s not there! In fact, Scripture says the opposite. Jesus told us in Luke 19 to occupy (take care of business) until He returns. Sitting home on election day is not taking care of business. Remember, a vote for a candidate is not a love letter. We don’t have to love the candidate. Our vote is a chess move in seeking the world in which we choose to live. Do you believe God uses ungodly people for His purposes? If you say “no”, I suggest you ask King Nebuchadnezzar. I believe his answer would be “yes!”
If the church does not step up and vote on November 5, 2024, which results in the left staying in power, be prepared for a very different way of life going forward. I want better for my children and grandchildren. I think we all do, but it requires action on our part or the America and the liberty we know now will be gone forever. Rest assured; evil will certainly fill the vacuum.
* https://wallbuilders.com/resource/christians-and-voting-2024/
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