Silence is Agreement: Part 3- A Massive Failure in Church History

In Part 2 of this “Silence is Agreement” series entitled “Pulpits Aflame,” we looked at a few past Christian pastors who preached biblical truths that impacted America’s founding. I stated that the small sampling of pre-America pastors referenced in Part 2 taught principles found in Scripture that were subsequently used by our Forefathers as they…… Continue reading Silence is Agreement: Part 3- A Massive Failure in Church History

The Church Must Speak Out

This article was written by Jeff Lukens and republished here with permission from the author. It was originally published at on January 2, 2023. Many thanks to Mr. Lukens for allowing me to add it to my blog. CAW Churches have remained publicly quiet for decades on the moral issues of the day so…… Continue reading The Church Must Speak Out