The Stigma of Christian Nationalism

At a campaign rally in 2006, presidential candidate Barack Obama told a group of supporters that America is no longer just a Christian nation.  His exact words were: “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation – at least, not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist…… Continue reading The Stigma of Christian Nationalism

America at a Tipping Point – A Call to Prayer

Thursday, March 30, 2023, is a day none of us should ever forget.  Yesterday, we witnessed what may be the deathblow to the rule of law in our American Republic.  A former President, Donald J. Trump, now faces indictment by left wing New York prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, in a political retaliation crusade.  This act is…… Continue reading America at a Tipping Point – A Call to Prayer

Winning the Language War: How the Anti-woke Movement can take the Moral and Linguistic High Ground

by Christopher F. Rufo March 23, 2023   This post is a reprint of a Christopher F. Rufo article published in his substack today, March 23, 2023. You can find this article and others written by him using his substack web address in the paragraph above. Mr. Rufo’s article gives excellent insight into how…… Continue reading Winning the Language War: How the Anti-woke Movement can take the Moral and Linguistic High Ground

Say No to the National Popular Vote Movement

There is a troubling campaign increasing in strength and acceptance across America called the National Popular Vote (NPV) movement.  Generally, when people hear what NPV accomplishes, most agree with the idea without giving it much thought.  On the surface, NPV seems benign and simple. That position is disturbing, however, because NPV has the potential to…… Continue reading Say No to the National Popular Vote Movement

The Necessity of the Self-governed Man

(Note:  The use of the term “man” or “men” in this article is inclusive of both men and women) After delivering the U.S. Constitution to the American people on September 17, 1787, two of the framers, John Adams and James Madison, taught the American people clearly that the government they just fashioned would only work…… Continue reading The Necessity of the Self-governed Man

The Church Must Speak Out

This article was written by Jeff Lukens and republished here with permission from the author. It was originally published at on January 2, 2023. Many thanks to Mr. Lukens for allowing me to add it to my blog. CAW Churches have remained publicly quiet for decades on the moral issues of the day so…… Continue reading The Church Must Speak Out

Christian Stewardship Extends to Civil Government

Can the US Constitution govern America?  Founding Father John Francis Mercer answered this question during the Constitution Convention of 1787.  He said: “It is a great mistake to suppose that the paper we are to propose will govern the United States.  It is the men whom it will bring into the government and interest [they…… Continue reading Christian Stewardship Extends to Civil Government

Asleep in the Light

I debated for several days if I should write this article.  After the November 8th election results became more evident, I felt myself being pushed to say something, but I was not sure what to say or how to say it.  Yesterday, I came across a podcast by a pastor that I listen to frequently…… Continue reading Asleep in the Light

Categorized as Brushfires

The Deception of Ranked Choice Voting

In the early 2000’s, several political activist and voting reform groups introduced the American public to a new voting methodology called Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) or Instant Runoff Voting.  The basic premise of RCV is that the voter (elector) picks multiple candidates on his or her ballot by ranking them first choice, second choice, third…… Continue reading The Deception of Ranked Choice Voting