They Are Gaslighting Us

If you are an old movie fan, you are probably familiar with a 1944 movie starring Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman and Joseph Cotton entitled “Gaslight.”  The theme of the movie, captured in the term to gaslight, was to manipulate someone into questioning their own perception of reality.  Adapted from the 1938 play “Gas Light” written…… Continue reading They Are Gaslighting Us

The Democrats’ Jihad Against Donald Trump

Dear Subscriber, I did not write this article. Although I have articles in the hopper, I wanted to share this article written by Gary Gindler, PhD. Dr. Gindler’s article was published on on July 18, 2024. He is a conservative at Gary Gindler Chronicles ( and author of the book “Left Imperialism” (2024). You…… Continue reading The Democrats’ Jihad Against Donald Trump

Littered With Lies

The article criticizes Joe Biden’s presidential fitness and the Democratic Party’s stance on various issues, asserting that they have propagated numerous lies about abortion, sex, LGBT rights, climate change, police and crime, open borders, systemic racism, and more. It compares the Democratic Party’s deception to Satan’s native language of lying.

Silence is Agreement: Part 4- How Should We Respond?

The fourth installment of “Silence is Agreement” calls American Christians to awaken and engage in the nation’s moral and spiritual battles. It addresses the Church’s historical failure to uphold biblical principles during World War II and warns against repeating such mistakes today. The post urges believers to pray, repent, act lovingly, vote responsibly, and adamantly stand and speak up for biblical truths in society and government.

Silence is Agreement: Part 3- A Massive Failure in Church History

In Part 2 of this “Silence is Agreement” series entitled “Pulpits Aflame,” we looked at a few past Christian pastors who preached biblical truths that impacted America’s founding. I stated that the small sampling of pre-America pastors referenced in Part 2 taught principles found in Scripture that were subsequently used by our Forefathers as they…… Continue reading Silence is Agreement: Part 3- A Massive Failure in Church History

Silence is Agreement: Part 2- Pulpits Aflame

The article asserts the pivotal role of the American Church and its leaders in the founding of the United States, influencing ideas of liberty, self-government, equality, and justice from the 17th century. Highlighting figures like John Locke, whose work shaped the Declaration of Independence, and the Black Robe Regiment, which galvanized support for independence, it argues for the Church’s present-day responsibility to engage in civic life to uphold these foundational values, countering apathy and detachment.

Silence is Agreement: Part 1- Apathy and Civic Detachment

Over the past 3 years, as I strove to learn and gain knowledge about the founding of America, the U.S. Constitution, and my responsibilities to my country, I became increasingly puzzled over comments I heard from Christians in reference to politics and government. I often heard comments such as, “I don’t believe Christians should be…… Continue reading Silence is Agreement: Part 1- Apathy and Civic Detachment

War in Israel: The Depth of Deception Behind It

“Israel, Israel, you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide!”  This haunting mantra, chanted by a large group of University of Pennsylvania students, is bewildering and heartbreaking. The students were holding a rally in support of the terrorist group Hamas after the inhumane attack on Israel October 7th. For me, and probably you too, it…… Continue reading War in Israel: The Depth of Deception Behind It

America at the Crossroads: A Free Republic or a Police State

This article was written by Scott Powell and published on American October 11, 2023. Mr. Powell’s article gives us a clear view of the current state of America and brings a fresh awareness to the importance of standing up and fighting back. As Captain Parker said on the morning or April 19, 1775 as…… Continue reading America at the Crossroads: A Free Republic or a Police State

The Unholy Union of the American Judiciary and Executive Branches

In their efforts to quell suspicion of government and the new constitution finalized by the Constitutional Convention in 1787, John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton wrote what we now know as the Federalist Papers.  These 85 documents, originally written to the people of the State of New York but eventually circulating across all thirteen…… Continue reading The Unholy Union of the American Judiciary and Executive Branches

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