It is difficult to imagine that we are already in the month of January 2025. Where did 2024 go? I remember as a kid my parents saying, “The older you get, the faster time goes.” I remember thinking that does not sound right. Now, I understand what they meant. Even though in God’s economy a minute is still a minute and has not changed since creation, in my mind it does seem like the minutes evaporate much faster as the years of my life go by. Might just be me!
2024 was an amazing year when viewed in the correct perspective. There were many bad things that happened, but we live in a broken world. Evil is real and we dwell in a state of spiritual battle every day. It is important, however, to focus on the good rather than the evil because just as much as evil is real, good is also very real. Jesus promised that good would overcome evil and because of that promise we are truly blessed. Now, our job is to continue to work for truth and justice for all and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ while we have religious freedom to do so.
By His mercy, I believe God gave us new opportunities because of the November 2024 election results that we should not pass up in 2025. There is still much work to do. Stressing that point, Allen Jackson, Pastor of World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN., produced a December 27, 2024, podcast entitled “Reflecting on 2024”. In this podcast, Pastor Jackson provides a great summary of the good things that came out of the 2024 election and what we should anticipate in respect to changes to our culture including an awakening that would bring American hearts back to God and to our nation’s biblical foundations.
Using the embedded link below, I hope you will take a few minutes (38 to be exact) to listen to Pastor Jackson’s podcast. As you listen, start thinking about how God is calling you to make a difference for His Kingdom during this new year. This is not the time to savor our victories and sit back on our laurels. Evil never sleeps and we cannot afford to stop pushing forward for the cause of Christ. As Pastor Jackson said, “God is moving”. Let’s join Him in the battle!
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