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Hello! Thank you for visiting Brushfires of Freedom… a place to honor God and set patriot hearts aflame with truth.

Historians commonly attribute a particular maxim to Sam Adams, one of America’s most revered forefathers, which reads:

It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.(1)

(1) https://www.azquotes.com/quote/2045

Resembling Sam Adams, many of us feel like an “irate and tired minority” because of the constant barrage of lies and distortions permeating America.  Undeniably, they are chipping away our freedoms. It seems that day-by-day, bits of freedom fall through our fingers as we stand by and watch. As a grandfather, I carry deep concerns about America’s regression; Adams’ quote speaks directly to my heart as I contemplate what kind of America I will leave my children and grandchildren.

Over the past 100 years or more, revisionist historians effectively removed God from our American heritage by promoting a godless constitution and transformed America’s founders into atheists and deists.  They were not.  Many of us missed the fact that our forefathers formed the United States of America by trusting fully in the providence of God.  A study of truthfully recounted American history reveals American’s foundation is composed of nothing less than enduring biblical principles straight from the heart of God.

Committed to do what I can to bring truth back to America, I started this blog to kindle “brushfires of freedom” in the hearts and minds of Americans.  Driven by Matthew 5:13 – 16, that is my goal. If you and I continue to focus on God’s gift of liberty and, when threatened, have the will power and conviction to push back, together, we can ensure freedom for posterity and ourselves. I pray the brushfires started on these pages develop into full conflagrations consuming our minds and hearts with the desire and motivation to take peaceful and positive actions, thereby, standing up for our freedoms and liberty before we lose them!